Welcome to today’s blog post! Today I’m going to be talking all about my TBR for the Gilmoreathon. The Gilmoreathon is a week-long readathon starting on the 15th of November, inspired by Gilmore Girls. It was created by four booktube creators: Liv, Desi, Mckenzie, and Heather (so make sure you check out their channels once you’ve finished this blog!). As a lover of all things Gilmore Girls I knew I had to participate in this readathon as soon as I saw Desi’s video about it. So I’m going to talk you through what I’m reading for each prompt!
VIEW POSTArchives for 2020
What It’s Really Like Being a Joint Honours Student
I finished my joint honours undergraduate degree, in English Literature and Philosophy, this summer. So thought I would give you a little insight into what to expect if you’re thinking about a combined honours degree! From the amount of work, to making friends on your courses, down to exactly how it works, I’m going to tell you it all!
VIEW POSTWhy You Should Join a University Society
One of the main things that is advertised as a perk of university is societies, along with sports clubs (I wasn’t part of any of these, as team and competitive sport really isn’t my thing so this post won’t go into these). However, before you get to uni it can be a little confusing as to what societies are, what they do, how you can get involved, and how they can benefit you. But don’t worry, as a recent graduate who was on the committee of a society for two years, I have all the info you’re going to need!
VIEW POSTSeptember Reading Wrap-Up
We’re over a week into October now (I don’t know how that happened) so it’s time for my September reading wrap-up! This month was FAR better than August where I’d had a little reading slump, so get ready for some book reviews!
VIEW POST5 Tips to Get Through Your Uni Reading List
Getting through your uni reading list can be difficult. I know, I’ve been there. I recently graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in English Literature and Philosophy, so I know a LOT about reading a LOT! When you first get to uni the amount of reading you’re expected to do for your course can seem overwhelming. But I’ve got your back and am going to tell you everything I did to get through my course reading! Make sure you read to the end as I save my top tip for last!
VIEW POSTEverything I Read in June
Welcome back, today I’m going to discuss everything I read in June. This month I read 7 books and a total of 2360 pages. Like last month, June has been a bit of a mixed bag in terms of genre, we have some contemporary, some YA, and a biography.
Without me blabbing on any longer, let’s discuss what I read in June!
VIEW POSTUCAS Clearing: My Story + What to Expect
I’ve just finished my final year at Cardiff University, but what you may not know is I got into Cardiff through UCAS clearing. Having finished my degree I feel I have a good perspective on the clearing process all the way from in the moment on results day, to what it actually means once you’re at university.
My clearing experience on results day was traumatic to say the least. So let’s go back to 2016 and start the story there.
VIEW POSTHow to Choose Where to Study Abroad
So you want to study abroad but you’re not sure where? Keep reading to see my advice, as a student who spent a semester abroad, on how to pick your study abroad destination!
VIEW POST6 Fun Online Things to do with Your Friends During Lockdown
We’ve been in lockdown in the UK for over two months now, and whilst lockdown restrictions have lifted slightly, we still cannot meet up with our friends and family in the ways we are used to. As time has gone on my friends and I have got creative with different ways to socialise over the internet.
If you’d like some fresh ideas of fun ways to stay connected with your friends during lockdown then continue reading!
VIEW POSTMay 2020 Reading Wrap-up
Hey! I’m going to talk you through everything I read in May 2020.
This month I managed to read a total of 9 books and 3324 pages. I read a mixture of middle grade, YA, and adult. As well as a range of romance, dystopian and fantasy amongst those three categories.